We deliver maintenance and service repairs, warranty and post-warranty performance in the entire country.

We deliver maintenance of security systems in compliance with the binding regulations and the producers’ guidelines.

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15 Fire Protection Congress - Fire Security Expo 2018

GEO-KAT participated in 15th Fire Protection Congress which was held on July 26th 2018. Fire Security Expo’s 2018 location this year was PGE National Football Stadium in Warsaw. During the Congress, GEO-KAT presented an extended version of WES3 system with an altered interface and an additional medical button for calling fire unrelated occurrences. Fire Security Expo, it is over 1000 experts of designing, civil engineering investments and fire prevention. Apart from interesting presentations, there were various exhibitions and panels regarding design, assembly, utilisation of systems and individual devices in real-life conditions. This year’s theme paths were prepared by prestigious scientific institutions like CNBOP-PIB, SGSP, Warsaw and Łódź Technical Schools, Societies and Institutes of Technologies and Experts on fore prevention.