We deliver maintenance and service repairs, warranty and post-warranty performance in the entire country.
We deliver maintenance of security systems in compliance with the binding regulations and the producers’ guidelines.
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tel: +48 798 938 938

GEO-KAT Sp. z o.o.
Wołoska 24
02-675 Warszawa
tel: +48 22 877 08 80
fax: +48 22 877 08 97
REGON: 510948744
TAX No: 7451642750
NCR No: 0000145939
Registered in National Court Register by the District Court
for the Capital City of Warsaw
Commercial Division of the National Court Register.'
Service Privacy Policy and cookie files
Service Privacy Policy and Protection of Personal Data
Service Privacy Policy and cookie files
Welcome to the GEO-KAT Sp. z o.o. website https://www.geokat.com.pl. Thank you for your interest. Personal data protection of our website visitors or our form users constitutes our priority. It is important for us that you are fully aware of personal data we acquire, when you use our offers and online services and know how we use it.
The intended use of personal data for processing
The Administrator of personal data is GEO-KAT Sp. z o.o. seated in Warsaw (02-675), Wołoska 24, NIP [Tax No.] 745 16 42 750, Share Capital: 300 000 PLN, registered in National Court Register by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw XIII Department, under the National Court Number: 0000145939.
Personal Data Processing
Visiting our website
We record and archive the IP address of your computer in order to transfer the content of the website visited by you to your computer (e.g. texts, pictures and files to be downloaded, etc.) (Art. 6 (1) item b of RODO regulation). We process the data in order to identify and prevent the abuse of rights. The basis constitutes Art. 6 (1) item f of RODO. In such context, our justified interest of data processing constitutes ensuring proper functionality of our website and all transfers delivered via it.
As long as we process your data in the above described method, i.e. to ensure the functionality of our website, you are legally bound to provide such data.
Other purposes
We also process personal data delivered by you discretionarily, e.g. when you pose an inquiry. The legal basis in such context constitutes Art. 6 (1) item b of RODO. Such data includes personal data of the customers, employees and suppliers in the necessary terms described in the hereby declaration of personal data protection.
As long as we process your personal data in compliance with the described method, in order to approve and process the inquiry, you are legally bound to deliver such data. We cannot deliver marketing information without the required data.
If you have agreed to the personal data processing (see the Art. 6 (1) item a of RODO), you can withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawal of your consent shall not influence the conformity to legal processing based on your consent until the consent has been withdrawn
The intended data transfer to other countries
Currently, GEO-KAT does not intend to transfer personal data to other countries. In such cases, we shall establish new legal conditions. You shall be notify particularly about necessary recipients or kinds of personal data recipients, in compliance with the legal requirements.
GEO-KAT Sp. z o.o. shall undertake necessary technical and organisational means in order to protect personal data delivered to GEO-KAT Sp. z o.o. against accidental or purposeful manipulation, loss, destruction or unauthorised web access. This concerns all purchased external services. We verify the efficiency of our personal data protection means and constantly upgrade them in compliance with the technological development. All input data is encoded while transferring by a safe coding process.
Cookie Files (Cookies)
In order to make or website user friendly and to adjust its activity to your needs, some areas of our website may use the cookie files (cookies). A cookie is a small file, locally stored on your computer while visiting the website. After revisiting the website with the same device, a cookie file indicates you are a multiple visitor. Cookies allow us to analyse the use of our website. They do not contain any persona data and cannot identify the user on other websites, including the websites of analytical service suppliers.
Cookies are necessary for statistical and marketing reasons, and also to adjust the website to the user’s needs. Cookies do not gather personal data, do not alter the computer’s configuration, do not serve to install or unmount any computer programs, do not interfere the IT system integrity or the user’s data, are not subject to processing by other internet services and may be remover by the user at any time. Using the administrator’s internet services without cookies’ alteration means they are to be recorded in the device’s memory.
Cookies may be used by the user or the user may implement changes in settings of the device he/she uses in order to remove or not cookies’ storing. In order to remove cookies or not recording the files, the user must make a choice regarding it in the settings of the browser he/she uses.
The user at any time has a right to stop or regain cookies’ storing by changing the settings in the browser. Manual how to manage cookies is available on the browser:
Browser Internet Explorer
Browser Mozilla FireFox
Browser Chrome
Browser Safari
Browser Opera
Limitation of cookies’ use may influence some functionalities of the browser.
Embedding the social plugs
- Facebook, Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA
- LinkedIn, LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
The plugs show logos of particular social medias. However, the plugs/buttons are not standard social plugs, i.e. plugs delivered by social media but links with a logo. Buttons are activated only by intentional actions (clicking). If you do not click the buttons, no information shall be transferred to the social media. By clicking the buttons, you accept communication with the social media servers, activate the buttons and creating a link.
After clicking, the button operates as a sharing plug. Then, the social media obtains information about the visited website, which may be further shared with friends or other contacts. You have to be logged-in to „share” information. If you are not logged-in, you shall be transferred to the logging site within the given social media, at the same time leaving the sites tuev-sued.de. If you are logged-in, your “similar” or recommendation of a given article shall be transferred.
If you activate the button, social medias shall obtain also information to which you got access to the appropriate page of our website and when you got it. Moreover, such information as the IP address may be transferred or info about the browser or language input. If you click the button, you will get transferred to the social media and you shall be submitted to their policy regarding personal data.
After clicking the button, we have no control over the gathered data and the further processing. We bear no responsibility for data processing nor we are the “controller”, according to RODO’s definition. We are not aware of the whole scope of data gathering, its legal grounds, purposes and storing timespans. Acknowledging it, information given here is incomplete.
Data shall be transferred regardless of the fact if you have your account at the supplier or if you are logged-in there. If you are logged-in at the supplier, your data shall be directly assigned to your account. Suppliers may also use cookies in order to track users.
As far as we are concerned, the suppliers store data on the users’ profiles, which are used for marketing purposes, market analysis and /or designing the websites designated for profiting. Such analysis is conducted (also for the users who are not logged in) in order to deliver advertising profit-oriented or informing other social media users about their activities on our website. You have a right to disagree as to creation of such profiles.
In order to discontent, you are obliged to contact the appropriate supplier. To obtain detailed information regarding the purpose and scope of data gathering or further data processing and data use by any social media as well as your rights and privacy policy, please acknowledge the information displayed in the following social medias:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy
If you do not wish social media obtained your personal data, do not enter the link.
Standard timespans of data removal:
Legislation has determined many timespans of data storing along with obligations constituting from it. At appropriate times data shall be regularly removed. Data, which the timespans mentioned above does not concern shall be either removed or anonymized, as soon as the priorities determined in the hereby declaration of data protection stop being effective. As long as the hereby declaration has no further regulations concerning data storing, we archive gathered data for the period necessary to fulfil its purposes.
Other use of data and its removal:
All further data processing or your personal data use shall generally be undertaken only within the limited scope on the basis of the legal regulations or if you have agreed to data processing and use. In case of further data processing for other purposes than they were initially gathered, we shall inform you about such services and deliver all necessary information before further processing.
Rights of persons whose personal data we process
Right to access
On your demand, you can obtain information about your personal data we transfer in terms of Art. 15 of RODO. You can deliver your request via email to the email address below.
Right to rectify
You have a right to demand removal of your inaccurate personal data without further delay (Art. 16 of RODO). To do that, contact us via the address below.
Right to data removal
If the legal cases determined in Art. 17 of RODO are applicable, you have the right to an immediate removal of (‘right to be forgotten’) your personal data. Such cases include: overdue personal data, or when you withdraw your consent and there is no legal ground to process; a person the data concerns does not give a consent to processing (and there are no justified grounds for processing – no application of objection against direct marketing). To confirm the above rights, please contact the email address stated below.
Right to limit data processing
If criteria determined in art. 18 of RODO are met, you have a right to limit the processing, in compliance with the about quoted RODO Article. According to this Article, processing limitation can be demanded in particular when processing is illegal and the person it concerns protests against limitation of its use or if such a person filed an appeal against processing, in compliance with Art. 21 item 1 of RODO, until it is clear whether our justified interest is superior to this person’s interest. In order to confirm the above rights, please contact the email address stated below.
Right to transfer data
User has a right to transfer data in compliance with Art. 20 of RODO. This means you have a right to obtain your personal data, you have delivered in a structured, commonly used and read format, and you have a right to deliver this data to other controller, such as another service deliverer. The initial condition is that the data processing takes place on the grounds of your consent or a contract and it uses automatized means. In order to confirm the above rights, please contact the email address stated below.
Right to file an appeal
You have a right to file an appeal at any time, pursuant to the Art. 21 of RODO to process personal data concerning the user on the grounds of Art. 6 par. 1 item e or f of RODO, due to given circumstances. We shall stop processing your data unless we are able to demonstrate that there are justified grounds for processing, which void your rights, or if the processing has no purpose of establishing, execution or advocacy the legal claims. In order to confirm the rights quoted above, please contact the email address stated below.
Right to appeal the file to the supervising authority
If you believe that processing your persona data we undertake is illegal or forbidden, you have a right to file an appeal to our supervising authority.
Date of issuing the Service Privacy Policy: Warsaw May 25th2018

Geo-Kat Sp. z o.o.
ul. Wołoska 24
02-675 Warszawa
regon: 510948744
TAX No: 7451642750
NCR No: 0000145939
Registered in National Court Register by the District Courtfor the Capital City of Warsaw 13th Commercial Division of the National Court Register.