We deliver maintenance and service repairs, warranty and post-warranty performance in the entire country.

We deliver maintenance of security systems in compliance with the binding regulations and the producers’ guidelines.

Kontakt mailowy za pośrednictwem Formularza Kontaktowego

tel: +48 798 938 938

About us



GEO-KAT has been on the Polish market for more than 15 years. The number of our employees exceeded 100. We have on board both well experienced experts in numerous fields as well as young, enthusiastic and innovative specialists. We mainly operate in Poland, but also present on foreign markets, where we constantly strengthen our existence.

For many years, GEO-KAT has specialized in the fields of low voltage installations, however, we have become experts in building automation systems and BMS, electrical installations, telecom works, delivery of solutions and maintenance for all kinds of properties. We also deliver designs and implement solution increasing the energy efficiency.

Our field uniqueness derives from the fact that we execute all variety of services, beginning with designing, through assembly and network execution, up to consultancy and installation maintenance.
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For many years of reliable work at high level, we have gathered recognition of the engineering environment and a reputation of a modern and trustworthy company. We have participated in most prestigious realisations in the country.

From the very beginning, we have participated in highly advanced projects in terms of technological development, thus we have been able to become recognizable on the market as an expert for difficult endeavours.

As a company with years of experience, we protect our Clients’ good image and business. Our professional consultancy, on-time, reliable and competent service constitute a solid ground for fruitful cooperation. ... less

Grzegorz Tratkiewicz

CEO Deputy and a Founding Member

Graduated from the Warsaw Technical University, Department of Automation and Robotics. A double graduand of managing studies at Brighton Business School. Completed the Course for Candidates for Supervisory Board Members in State Treasury Companies.

Has a vast experience in management and project execution. High skills in managing even the most complex tasks combined with strong-willed motivation scheme altogether constitute a unique feature on our field market.

Responsible for the Departments of Realisation and Maintenance.

Most eager exponent of personal development and widely defined physical activities.

Board of Directors

Jacek Bielecki

CEO and a Founding Members

An enthusiast of modern economical solutions and salsa most avid fan.

Grzegorz Tratkiewicz

CEO Deputy and a Founding Member

Most eager exponent of personal development and widely defined physical activities.

Board of Directors The executive body of the GEO-KAT constitutes the Management Board consisting of:

  • Jacek Bielecki
  • Grzegorz Tratkiewicz

Brief History


Change of location onto Wołoska 24


Change of location onto Wał Miedzeszyński 552


Cooperation with WES+, GEO-KAT a sole-agent for Poland


Cooperation with the Academic Entrepreneurship Incubators (AIP) as a General Contractor for fit-outs


Commencement of data centre projects


Ringfencing from the GEO-KAT Group an individual partnership GEO-KAT Ochrona Środowiska Sp. z o.o.


Creation of cabinet prefabrication department for automation and electricity; changing of the company’s location from Aleja Prymasa Tysiąclecia 145/149 onto Taneczna Str. 7


Ringfencing of the Maintenance Department, providing servicing the executed and commissioned installations, warranty and post-warranty conservations


Extension of services onto electrical installations


GEO-KAT is fully fledged to deliver altogether designs, execution and maintenance services


Extending the offer onto the execution and installation commissioning and programming Department; creation of the low voltage installations Department


GEO-KAT is founded with two fields of expertise: designing and the Environment Protection


First huge project of Commercial Centre Blue City in scope of low voltage installations, BMS and building automation

2001 - 2003

Founding of the design office ATRA



Powstanie GEO-KAT

Spółka na początku swojej działalności oferowała usługi z zakresu systemów niskoprądowych oraz ochrony środowiska.

Access to the most hi-tech solutions. Cooperation with the leading manufacturers. Ambitious technologies.


Złote Tarasy, Warszawa

Rozszerzyliśmy ofertę o wykonawstwo zaawansowanych instalacji, uruchomienie i programowanie systemów. W inwestycji „Złote Tarasy” realizowaliśmy prace w zakresie modernizacji instalacji niskoprądowych oraz modernizacji Systemu Automatyki Budynkowej (BMS) dla aranżowanych powierzchni biurowych.

Sustainability, financial awareness and firmness. Modern and enthusiastic approach to even the most complex projects.


Stadion Narodowy, Warszawa

Na terenie obiektu zrealizowaliśmy Projekty Wykonawcze i Warsztatowe dla systemów: System Sygnalizacji Pożaru , Dźwiękowy System Ostrzegawczy, System Wideo-domofonowy, Systemu Detekcji Gazów oraz Systemu Przyzywowego dla Osób Niepełnosprawnych.

Sky Tower, Wrocław

W ramach tego zlecenia zrealizowaliśmy Projekty Wykonawcze wielu instalacji m.in. System Sygnalizacji Pożaru, Dźwiękowy System Ostrzegawczy, System Kontroli Dostępu, System Zarządzania Parkingiem i wiele innych.

We strive to be available and listen to our Clients and meet their requirements. We constantly improve our offer and introduce new products and services in order to answer the evolving field realities and more and more complex needs of our Clients.

Complexity of offers

Galeria Mokotów, Warszawa

Kontrakt GEO-KAT realizowany był w ramach rozbudowy Galerii Mokotów. Dzięki rozbudowie powierzchnia centrum handlowego powiększyła się o prawie 5.000 metrów kwadratowych. Zakres realizowanych prac obejmował kompleksową realizację instalacji elektrycznych.

Support at every step of the investment: beginning from design, through installation and commissioning, up to conservation and maintenance services. Searching the best and most effective solutions.


Warsaw Spire, Warszawa

Zrealizowaliśmy prace nad następującymi instalacjami: System Sygnalizacji Pożaru, Dźwiękowy System Ostrzegawczy, System Detekcji Gazów, System Parkingowy.

PPPT, Płock

Park Przemysłowo Technologiczny w Płocku - GEO-KAT był Generalnym Wykonawcą następujących instalacji: System Sygnalizacji Pożaru, System Rozgłoszeniowy, System Telewizji Dozorowej, System Sygnalizacji Włamania i Napadu, System Kontroli Dostępu, System Okablowania Strukturalnego oraz Instalacji elektrycznych.

Teams creating with passion and holistic approach and Client’s support on each step of the investment. Experienced specialists together with enthusiastic young personnel. Investment into the human resources development.

High quality

pracowaliśmy nad wieloma projektami i inwestycjami. Należą do nich: Pascal Kraków, Narodowe Forum Muzyki, Centrum Kulturalno-Kongresowe Jordanki, CENT I oraz Fabryka Marsa.

Reliability and professional of the delivered services. Our motto – modernity of solutions and crossing the boundaries of the impossible.


Ten rok również był bogaty w inwestycje – braliśmy udział w realizacji: CH Ogrody Elbląg, Dom poza Domem Ronalda McDonalda, Waterfront Gdynia, AIP, Serwerownia Ocean i Wylęgarnia Drobiu Stoczek.

15 years of presence on the local market, cooperation with the most prestigious investments, wide competencies, highly diversified services.

Access to the most hi-tech solutions. Cooperation with the leading manufacturers. Ambitious technologies.

More about GEO - KAT group


We highly emphasize best quality of our services. We are particular about project realisation and support for our Clients with the best specialists, well experienced and with unique knowledge.

GEO-KAT’s employees regularly attend all necessary trainings both technical and organisational, possess personal safety certificates and other required field licenses.

Concession of the Ministry of Interior and Administration

On July 14th 2017 GEO-KAT obtained a concession of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in terms of personal and property protection service in the form of technical security.


Quality Policy

A consequent approach to the execution of GEO-KAT’s quality policy constitutes guarantee of best possible service execution and delivery of most demanding projects.
